Pet Show for 2024 has been cancelled due to lack of participation. The show may be picked up in future fairs.
Classes below are included for future reference.


Paul Wallman


Show starts at 10:00 am on Friday of the fair

1st  Prize – $4.00
2nd Prize – $3.00
3rd Prize – $2.00
4th Prize – $1.00

Section 1 – DOGS

  1. Best Groomed
  2. Best Tail Wagging
  3. Most Ear-Resistible Ears
  4. Dog that looks most like owner
  5. Most Tricks
  6. Best Trick
  7. Dog that sits longest (unassisted)
  8. Best Vocal Performance
  9. Best Costume
  10. BEST IN SHOW (Ribbon and $5)

Section 2 – NON-DOGS

  1. Friendliest
  2. Most uexpressive eyes
  3. Most unusual or exotic
  4. Most playful
  5. Looks most like onwer
  6. Craziest tail
  7. Most adorable
  8. Best Shell animal
  9. Best costume
  10. BEST IN SHOW (Ribbon and $5)


  1. Classes are open to exhibitors 17 years of age and younger
  2. All exhibitors must be able to exhibit their pets on their own, unassisted.
  3. Pets exhibited must be owned by the family and be real pets of the exhibitors
  4. Registration starts at 9:30 am, show starts at 10:00 am
  5. Exhibitors are not permitted to make more than one entry in any one class.
  6. First prize winners all compete for Best of Show
  7. Dogs will be judged first followed by non-dogs (includes cats, turtles, ferrets, hermit crabs, hamsters, rabbits, but not limited to those!)
  8. IMPORTANT: To compete, all dogs, cats and ferrets three months and older MUST have a cuurent rabies certificate. DOG TAGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!