If weather conditions pose a potential hazard to renters and visitors, Charles County Fair officials may close early, delay openings, or close the grounds for the day. If conditions require a closing or a delayed opening, decisions are usually made as conditions dictate. The most reliable sources of closing information are the Fair’s and the rental management company’s websites. When possible, decisions are made the preceding evening. The Charles County Fair does not use the phone or electronic call system to announce closings or delays. However, in the event of a widespread power outage or closure during the day, the Charles County Fair or its management company may send phone call notifications to group sponsors.

If it is necessary to close or be unable to safely clear access to the grounds due to weather conditions, event sponsors and their attendees may use the facilities at their own risk, understanding that the Charles County Fair, its board of directors, stockholders and staff may not be able to safely open the grounds. The sponsoring rental organization and each individual and/or organization requesting the use of Charles County Fair property, facilities, and/or grounds specifically agrees for themselves, those organizations they represent and/or those entities involved in the use of the fair’s facilities and grounds that they individually and jointly shall hereby indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Charles County Fair Board and its elected and appointed officials, consultants, agents and employees for any and all losses, claims, suits, costs, demands, damages, liabilities or expenses (including attorney’s fees) that may arise from or be caused in any way by any and all uses, users, use, activities, or occupancy of the facilities, property, and/or grounds owned, and operated or maintained by the Charles County Fair, Inc.

Weather Varies Throughout the County

Weather conditions in one part of the county, such as icy or flooded roads, might cause a delay or early closing even if the roads in your neighborhood appear safe. Renters and facility users should create an emergency plan for their attendees in the event weather conditions cause the early dismissal or closures.