
Jack Welch
(301) 884-8794
Bruce Culver
(301) 934-3217

Committee Members
Kim Gladwell
Ruth Culver


  1. LIGHTWEIGHT TEAM, 3,300 lbs and under – Friday, September 13th, 7:00 p.m.
  2. HEAVYWEIGHT TEAM; over 3,300 lbs – Friday, September 13th, 7:00 p.m.

Lightweight and Heavyweight Prizes


Rules & Regulations:

  1. Pull will run according to Maryland Horse Pull Contest Rules
  2. Superintendents and judges reserve the right to modify the rules based on weather conditions, time constraints, pulling field condition and type of sled used.
  3. All entries will be made on the Fairgrounds.
  4. Lightweight teams will be weighed on the Fairgrounds or other designated location (as determined by Superintendents and Contest Judges).
  5. Negative Coggins required within one year.
  6. Stone boat will be used by Contestants.
  7. Special Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Teams in both Light & Heavy classes.
  8. Ribbons presented for 1st through 8th place.


All contest participants not placing 1st-8th, will receive $100 hook-up fees unless disqualified from competition.

The fair board, its members, or fair representatives are not responsible for accidents due to negligence of the teamsers.